The World's 10 Most Significant PHP Companies

PHP is a language that was designed to allow web developers to create dynamic, interactive pages. It has become the most popular programming language for websites and blogs. There are many php companies out there who have found success in this arena, but which ones are the most notable? We compiled a list of 10 php companies that rank among the world's best!

The php companies on this list have been ranked based on a number of factors, including operating history and revenue. In general, these php organizations are some of the biggest names in web development today! Let's look at them one by one:

In an ocean of PHP businesses, we can’t count how many there is out there - but it surely deserves to be written about. We will continue writing about php businesses...

Developed back in 1995 with assistance from Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski who later went on to found top php company Zend Technologies Ltd., PHP has become a staple for developers across the globe. It was designed as a more user-friendly and efficient alternative to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) that websites were using at the time.

PHP is now used by an estimated 82% of all web domains, making it one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This popularity has led to the development of a thriving php industry, with php businesses spanning every conceivable niche. Some php companies are small operations run out of someone's home office, while others are massive conglomerates with thousands of employees. But regardless of size, all php businesses have one thing in common - they're helping to drive the growth and evolution of the internet!

The php companies on this list have been ranked based on a number of factors, including operating history and revenue.



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